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Early Detection by a Caregiver May Prevent Hospitalization

caregiver handsOne of our clients, Betty (1) is 85 years old.  As with many of our older clients, she has many health issues and physical challenges.  Recently, her caregiver, Tamara (1), noticed that Betty seemed more confused and lethargic than she normally was. She also noticed that Betty's skin was a bit flushed and warm. Tamara used the “Stop and Watch” reporting system to record her observations and brought it to the attention of the Ezra Home Care clinical staff. 

Tamara’s familiarity with Betty, her observation of a subtle, yet significant, change and the use of the "Stop and Watch" reporting system, resulted in an early diagnosis of a urinary tract infection. Immediate treatment with antibiotics prevented complications from the infection, as well as a possible hospitalization.

The Ezra Home Care “Stop and Watch” Program is a quick and easy tool for caregivers to use to communicate changes in the condition of a client. In the “Stop and Watch” Program reporting system, each letter stands for an important change. For instance: “ S” stands for “Seems different than usual” ; “T” stands for “Talks or Communicates less than usual” ; "O" stands for "Overall needs more than usual" and "P" stands for "Participated in activities less than usual" and so on, all the way through the “H” at the end of Watch” which stands for “Help with walking, transferring, toileting more than usual.”  The intent of the program is a quick and easy exchange of information between team members, including family members.

Our staff is trained on many different types of state and conditions that any of their clients currently have, or may have had in the past so that they are aware of what signs to look for that may indicate significant changes.  Specialized trainings are given on conditions such as Alzheimer's and dementiadiabetes, end of life, hoarding, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and more.

Depending on the nature of the changes, Ezra's clinical staff will take necessary measures to address the concerns and ensure safety. The emphasis is on identifying and reporting disease symptoms as fast as possible to keep residents from getting so sick that they need to be hospitalized. Our caregivers are trained to get to know each of their clients very well so that they will be able to recognize signs like confusion, lethargy, trouble with balance, changes in appetite, etc

 The “Stop and Watch” Program is implemented along with the "Guide for Logging Information",  which helps caregivers break down their observations into more details for the Log Book.

At Ezra Home Care our mission is to provide the best Home Health Care services that you and your family can rely on and trust. We understand that each situation is unique. Every client receives ongoing personalized attention from our dedicated staff. Our in-home care services allow our clients to heal in the comfort of their own homes. 

Learn more about the services we provide.

Free Needs Assessment

(1) not their real names

Founded in 2008, Ezra Home Care offers live-in home care, 24-hour care, and hourly senior care.
All our caregivers are state-certified and provide services like personal carehousekeepingcompanionship, help with medication, and transportation assistance. We've spent 15 years refining our caregiver selection process to ensure families' peace of mind. Reach out for details and quotes.

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or call us at 617-527-9000

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